Pittsfield — In the winter of 1850-51, Herman Melville penned “Moby-Dick” from his 160-acre farm on Holmes Road. In fact, it was the view due north from his study window at Arrowhead — and the distinct double hump of Mount Greylock and Saddleback in the distance — that ultimately inspired the author’s rendering of a great white whale rising from the ocean. Melville left an indelible mark on the Berkshires not only through his writing but also his home — so named for the American Indian artifacts he often found while tilling the fields. In celebration of the 200th anniversary of Melville’s birth (he was born Aug. 1, 1819), local author and writer in residence at Arrowhead Jana Laiz — along with actors Caroline Calkins and Tom Jaeger of Shakespeare & Company — will launch their new audiobook, “Billy Budd in the Breadbox,” on Sunday afternoon (December 8) at the historic Pittsfield site.
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